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Borosilicate Glass Labware
Published: February 10, 2015

Q. We have a yellowish color on some of our beakers (even after washing at 150 deg F). It looks like it is scale build up. Are we using the right detergent? We have tried Alconox powder and Liquinox. Do you think we need a detergent that is more acidic? This is our first time using an ultrasonic machine. We are trying to find the best produce for our application. Do we need to wash longer or at a higher concentration?

A. It is possible there is some kind of inorganic yellowish scale that is not being removed by the Alconox or Liquinox detergents. We recommend using a 2% Citranox solution which is a mild acid detergent. This should be followed by a thorough rinse with potable water.

Downloadable certificates of analysis, technical bulletins, MSDS, trace analysis, and inhibitory residue testing are available from the Alconox website.



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