
Generic filters
pH Scale

What to choose: acid vs alkaline cleaner?

Q:  What are the differences between an acid vs alkaline cleaner?

A:  There are some key difference in choosing the right cleaner for your cleaning needs; the ph of a detergent is one dividing line. Acidic cleaners are commonly used to brighten or etch metals and….

Manual Cleaning A 100 Gallon Mixer

Q: We are looking for detergent and process recommendations for manual cleaning of a 100 gallon mixer. We make one product in the mixer which contains water, starch, acidic buffers, sucralose and preservative. Currently when cleaning, we boil for 1 hour at 90°C, then cool, drain and soak in cool water while using the mixing blades.  Scrub brushes and a spray hosing follows that. The mixer is made from stainless steel.


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