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Parts Cleaning: Removing Residue from Gold Plating

Q: Our gold plating process leaves some residue and someone recommended chlorine bleach for cleaning, but we’re afraid that will negatively effect the finish. Can Alconox assist with safely removing residues from gold plating? Should we use a soak or ultrasonic cleaning process?

Manual Cleaning A 100 Gallon Mixer

Q: We are looking for detergent and process recommendations for manual cleaning of a 100 gallon mixer. We make one product in the mixer which contains water, starch, acidic buffers, sucralose and preservative. Currently when cleaning, we boil for 1 hour at 90°C, then cool, drain and soak in cool water while using the mixing blades.  Scrub brushes and a spray hosing follows that. The mixer is made from stainless steel.


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