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Dishwasher Rinse Aids Interfere w/ Wine Tasting

Rinse aids work by placing rinse aid residue on the surface of glasses and smallware being cleaned. The residue in the rinse aids left on surfaces are hydrophobic molecules, which stick to the surface to repel water. Less water on the surface, means less water that needs dried, and that leaves less water available to make streaks and water spots.  But there’s a problem…

From the Kitchen: Cleaning Glassware

Liquinox is your secret weapon in getting glassware, especially fine wine glasses, incredibly clean and residue free.

When your bar program has developed into craft made cocktails and your wine list boasts some of the best pours in the world, do you want your glassware to have the residues and fragrances from regular ware washing detergents? Obviously not.

Wine Glass Cleaning using Dishwashers

Fine wines and aromatic craft cocktails require glassware that will not contribute interfering fragrances, change the way the liquid swirls in the glass, or alter the profile of legs glistening on the side of the glass.


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