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Alconox Samples
Published: May 21, 2014

Q. Which Alconox detergents are phosphate-free?

A. Alconox supplies several phosphate-free detergents. Acid cleaners, Citranox ideal for ultrasonic and manual cleaning and low foaming Citrajet, which is recommended for machine washing and CIP cleaning are phosphate-free. Solujet, low foaming phosphate- free detergent is optimal for CIP cleaning on pharma process equipment and phosphate sensitive lab equipment. Tergajet, low foaming powdered detergent is phosphate free and is used in water testing labs. Liquinox, critical cleaning liquid detergent is a high emulsifying phosphate free detergent commonly used in medical device manufacturing and pharmaceutical processes.

Downloadable certificates of analysis, technical bulletins, MSDS, trace analysis, and inhibitory residue testing are available from the Alconox website at

To discuss which phosphate free cleaner is best suited for your cleaning application, speak to an Alconox critical cleaning expert. Also consult with Alconox about cleaning validation support. Call 914.948.4040 or email

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