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Cleaning Aluminum & Chelate Blush

When cleaning aluminum, it is assumed that the aluminum has been exposed to air and has formed the typical aluminum oxide layer prior to cleaning. If recently machined, aluminum must be cleaned and it cannot be allowed to air passivate. Therefore, a cleaner that contains appropriate metasilicate inhibitors such as Solujet, Detojet, Alcojet or Tergajet must be used.

Alconox Cleaners for Mechanical Washers

Q. Which Alconox cleaners are low foaming for use in mechanical washers?

A. Alconox, Inc makes both powder and liquid; acid and alkaline; and phosphate containing and phosphate-free low foaming cleaners. You need a low foaming cleaner for use in mechanical washers that rely on spraying to clean surfaces.

Low and Non Volatile Organic Compound VOC Cleaners

Q. To comply with air quality requlations, the use of low volatile cleaning compounds is often required. How much volatile organic compounds (VOC) are in Alconox cleaners? A. The use of aqueous cleaners

Cleaning Nylon 6 Medical Devices

Q. Can Nylon 6 be successfully cleaned with high alkaline cleaners? A.Can Nylon 6 medical devices be successfully cleaned with high alkaline cleaners?
A. Nylon 6 is generally labile to acids and oxidizing agents. Nylon 6 would be fine with an alkaline cleaner like Solujet. Read more about cleaning Nylon 6.

Improve Lab Cleaning Results with Labware Washer

Q. How can I get better cleaning results from my labware washer? A. Failure to clean successfully often results from loading glassware in a way that it does not drain properly . . .


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