Q. How do you remove Alconox from rinse water prior to discharge to the sewer? Will reverse osmosis work effectively in the removal of the Alconox from rinse waters? A. Alconox is a blend of organic surfactants and inorganic sodium salts…
Q. Is Alconox okay to use on Rexolite? A. According to http://www.rexo
Q. Currently we are using Xylene to clean equipment that is used with extremely non-polar compounds. Does Alconox have a cleaning product that would be equivalent to Xylene but not as harmful and dangerous to work with? A. Even extremely non-polar com
Alconox solution turning brown is likely something that is being removed. Alconox solutions do not typically turn brown after a few days of light use.
Fryer Cleaning Before / After Photo 1 Fryer Cleaning Before / After Photo 2 Fryer Cleaning Before / After Photo 3 …
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