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Alconox Detergents

Critical Cleaning and Corrosion Inhibition

Q. Does Alconox provide any information on corrosion inhibition in Alconox brand cleaners? A. Yes! Corrosion during cleaning is accelerated by the same things that accelerate cleaning. Click for tips on preventing corrosion.

Phosphate Free Critical Cleaning Detergents

Q. Which Alconox detergents are phosphate-free? A. Alconox supplies several phosphate-free critical cleaning detergents.

Replacing a <1 pH Acid Electronics Cleaner

Q. Our current detergent is very acidic (pH ~ 1) and very costly to dispose of. We wish to use a cleaning solution that is non-hazardous and can be disposed of down our sink drains into the sewer system. Are solutions of Alconox cleaners (i.e. 1-2% of Citrajet or Detergent 8) safe for dumping down the drain?

Removing Rust in a Solution Containment Filter

Q. We are finding rust particles in our solution containment filter. There is a steel component in the tank that we oil after flushing part with water
A. It sounds like you need to do a final rinse with deionized or distilled water . . .

Removing Oil and Grease Spray Washer

Q. We need to remove oil and grease and use a spray in air parts washer A. Critical cleaning to remove oil and grease is possible with a spray washer. Click to learn what Alconox detergents are best for this process.


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