Q. I need a cleaner that is suitable for cleaning food contact surfaces. A. The following cleaners are authorized for use as general purpose food contact surface cleaners followed by potable water rinse in USDA inspected food plants . . .
Q. How can I remove milkstone from pipettes? A. Presoak the pipets in a 2% ambient temperature Citranox solution for at least 20 minutes prior to cleaning and rinsing for milkstone removal.
Q. We have an Ice and Water machine that has lime and calcium build on stainless steel. Very hard to remove, would like to know how to clean and how often to clean.
A. We recommend Citranox and here’s the process we suggest for cleaning.
Q. How can I remove calcium and lime scale from a steam oven or holding cabinet? A. Make a 2% solution of Citranox …
Do Alconox brands have class 1, 2, 3, or 4 residual solvent ingredients? No, Alconox brands do not contain class 1, 2,3, or 4 residual solvent ingredients.
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