Q. I am developing a new cleaning process to replace the process we are using for cleaning glass slides before applying Silane coating. We are using strong acid to clean glass slides. I want to use a process where I first use basic aqueous solution, then use DI water to rinse, followed by acidic solution to chelate away metal ions. Then we’ll do DI water rinse, air dry, and finally use oxygen plasma to final clean the glass slide. What acidic aqueous solution and basic aqueous solution can you suggest?
Q. What is the cleaning duration in a horizontal glass washer with 1% Detojet at 50 deg C? A. In house lab data that shows
Q. What industries commonly use Detojet and what residues does Detojet remove?
A. Detojet, Low-Foaming Liquid Detergent is used in a variety of industries such as Healthcare, Laboratory, Precision Manufacturing and Metalworking and Food & Dairy. Detojet is an alkaline non-ionic cleaner that would remove soil, tares, resins, grease, blood, tissue, oils, particulates, chemicals, and solvents.
For more information on Detojet, please see the technical bulletin or the Detojet msds.
Q. We are experiencing contamination issues with both triclosan and triclocarban with our LC/MS/MS instrument. We need to determine if either of these compounds are a component of Liquinox or Detojet
Q. How is galvanic corrosion prevented when cleaning aluminum?
A. Aluminum is an active metal that is somewhat high on the “anodic index” of the galvanic series. If aluminum is cleaned with other metals present, you can create a battery and get galvanic corrosion. Aluminum should not be cleaned in the presence of metals that are significantly higher or lower on the anodic series; higher on the anodic scale such as zinc, magnesium or beryllium metals and lower on the anodic scale such as tin, brass, bronze, copper, silver, nickel and rhodium.
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