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Alconox Inc. Cleaners listed by the NSF

Q. I need a cleaner that is suitable for cleaning food contact surfaces. A. The following cleaners are authorized for use as general purpose food contact surface cleaners followed by potable water rinse in USDA inspected food plants . . .

Lens Cleaning During Manufacturing

Q. How do you clean optical lenses during manufacturing? A. To clean optical lenses, typically you use warm (120 deg F or 50 deg C) solutions of 1% Liquinox in an ultrasonic bath followed by a thorough rinse.

Manual Wine Glass Cleaning

Don’t let fragrances, dyes, or residue found in household cleaners interfere with sensory appreciation of wine in a wineglass. Use Alconox.

Does Alconox or Liquinox contain 1,4-Dioxane?

Nonionic Liquinox likely contains extremely trace levels 1,4-Dioxane, but anionic Alconox is very unlikely to contain 1-4 dioxane. Sometimes people inadvertently refer to Liquinox as Alconox because it is made by Alconox, inc.

Do Alconox brands contain residual solvent ingredients?

Do Alconox brands have class 1, 2, 3, or 4 residual solvent ingredients? No, Alconox brands do not contain class 1, 2,3, or 4 residual solvent ingredients.


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