
Generic filters

Life of a 1% Tergazyme solution

Use a Tergazyme solution within 8 hours of dissolving the powder in water. The enzyme in Tergazyme will digest itself.

PMMA compatibility

Q. What is Poly methylmethacrylate acrylate – PMMA compatibility with Alconox brand high pH alkaline detergents?

expiration date

How to get the lot and expiration date for Alconox Inc. detergents

To assure that you are using effective detergent, you want to know that the detergent has not expired. Alconox, Inc. detergents have a shelf life of two years from the date of manufacture. You need to know the date of manufacture to determine the expiration date.

Do Alconox brands contain residual solvent ingredients?

Do Alconox brands have class 1, 2, 3, or 4 residual solvent ingredients? No, Alconox brands do not contain class 1, 2,3, or 4 residual solvent ingredients.

Density of Liquinox and Alconox

Q. What is the density of Liquinox and Alconox? A. Liquinox has a density of 1.07 g/ml. Alconox is a dry blended hygroscopic powder, so its density varies.


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