Q. We are currently using Alcojet for routine labware cleaning. Since we work on DNA plasmid isolation, I wonder if using Alcojet could remove residual DNA. If not, how much residue cou
Q. Does Alconox have any information on using conductivity to test for residue of Alcotabs detergent? A. Yes, if you are testing for
Q. What is TOC and is TOC an acceptable residue detection method for Alconox Brand Aqueous Cleaners? A. Total organic carbon (TOC) is the amount of carbon bound in an organic compound
Q. What is a nonvolatile residue inspection? A. Nonvolatile Residue Inspection (NVR) involves extraction of soil from a dirty surface into a solvent. The solvent is then evaporated onto a coupon of known weight. After the solvent is evaporated off the…
Q. Is Alconox okay to use on Rexolite? A. According to http://www.rexo
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