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Advanced Cleaning Mechanisms: How to remove biofilm

In order to “kill off” any microbial residue, a cleaning and removal of inanimate and organic matter is a must.  This would follow with the disinfecting, “kill” step if you will, with an EPA registered disinfectant. To prepare for removal of biofilms on stainless steel via a registered disinfectant, use a two-step process of Solujet alkaline cleaner followed by Citrajet acidic cleaner. Or consider our highly effective enzymatic detergent for use in manual applications including scrubbing, soaking, sonciation or low agitation cleaning in place.

Printing Machinery

How to remove inks from printing machinery

Q. We are a commercial and packaging printing company. We want to use an ultrasonic cleaner to remove inks (oil based inks, UV inks and waterbased inks) from anilox rollers, ceramic rollers and grease from machine parts. What are the recommended cleaning solutions detergents that you can recommend?

Aluminum Plates

How to: Clean Aluminum Plate (high volume)

Q. I am interested in a degreaser/cleaner for aluminum plate. We are looking to install this process into our production line with a high volume need, spray washing.

A. Using a high volume in-line conveyorized spray washer, you can clean aluminum plate using safely using Citrajet® Low-Foam Liquid Acid Cleaner/Rinse. We recommend.

Plastic Parts

How to: Clean Chromated Aluminum & Plastic Parts

Q. We are starting a new cleaning process and are looking for recommendations as to what cleaner(s) to use for cleaning plastics and chromated aluminum parts in a lab dishwasher. We currently use deionized water with no cleaner and are having problems.

A. Thanks for your question on how to clean chromated aluminum and plastic parts in a dishwasher. Assuming this is a residential style lab….

Cleaning Time

How to: Reduce Cleaning Time

Q. What can we do to reduce cleaning time?  We want to be as optimal and thorough in our cleaning as possible.  

A. At Alconox Inc we recognize that manual cleaning may take minutes, spray cleaning seconds, and soaking may take hours, possibly overnight, to achieve comparable cleanliness. Read more….


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