Q. What Alconox brands are EC 648/2004 compliant?
A. Alconox, Alcotabs, Citrajet, Detojet, Tergajet, Tergazyme. For more information about any one of our Alconox Cleaners, consult the specific technical bulletin for each product HERE. Or click here to access each of our detergent’s Material Data Safety Sheets. You can also request a free sample by completing the questionnaire at Get Sample.
Q. Can Ion Chromatography detection method be used for Tergajet? A. Sodium Ion specific electrodes can be used to detect Tergajet, however very good deionized water must be used and there can be no other significant source of sodium in your system.
Can Alconox powder be used to clean latex material (tubing)? Latex is inherently a product that naturally degrades via mechanisms of hardening, embrittling and cracking. However…
Q. I have two questions. 1) How does Titanium react with Alconox®? And 2) How does Liquinox® clean Silicon Oils? If possible, I would like to have one type of cleaning solution. If not possible, then we will us what is necessary. We clean 304 STL, OFHC Copper, Alumina Ceramic, & Titanium. All will be cleaned for ultra high vacuum service like the rest of our parts.
Q. What detergent is suitable for washing glass well plates used to manipulate gametes and embryos for in vitro fertilization or conception? A. For successful in vitro fertilization, clean equipment is required. Interfering residues can render conception unsuccessful. The book…
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