Q. We are a generic pharmaceutical manufacturer of Creams and Ointments. We are having difficulty cleaning equipment (specifically CIP) after making these types of products. We have been successful in cleaning 95% of our products using the alkaline detergent. We have couple of products that leave a white film after the cleaning cycles. These products do not contain metal oxides. We are planning to try the Citranox acid cleaner. Any suggestions?
Q. To comply with the College of American Pathologists (CAP) laboratory accrediation inspection questionaire you need to check for detergent residues on your glassware to assure that good rinsing procedures are being used. A. To comply with the testing r
Q. We are interested in Alconox detergent for cleaning during our production process. Since we produce several kinds of medicine, we need to be sure Alconox do not leave any residue after cleaning. We want to test the residue of Alconox by UV method or HPLC method. Could you send reference or guide on these methods.
Q. Need to know if Alconox is OK to use to clean floors. If not, why not?
A. Alconox can be used to clean floors. Typically you would use a mop and bucket with Alconox to clean floors. Make up a warm 1% solution of Alconox (10 g/L or 1.25 oz/gal) and use a mop dipped in the Alconox solution to clean the floor.
Q. How do you determine acceptable residue limits when performing a cleaning validation?
A. All Alconox Inc. cleaners have an oral LD50 of greater than 500 mg/Kg acceptable residue limit. Alconox®, Liquinox® and Citranox® all have an oral LD50 of greater than 5 g/Kg. If you calculate 1/1000 of the LD50 as a potential residue in a dose …
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