
Generic filters

Manufacturing Cleaning – Vacuum Tubes

Q. We have an other department that makes a vacuum tube that is nearly identical to ours and they have a much better yield. They use Liquinox for their cleaning agent. I would like to talk to one of your engineers regarding their view of our present cleaning method (Sodium Hydroxide, Muriatic Acid, DI water, Methanol) vs. Liquinox. I have no historical information as to why we use the mentioned chemicals. The items that are cleaned are: tungsten plates, kovar pins and glass.
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Cleaning Glassware for Silver Staining

Q: I am looking for an alternative for cleaning glassware. I am going to perform a staining procedure using ammoniacal silver (diamine silver) and another one using silver nitrate. The protocols are very specific about using “chemically clean glassware”, but…

Cleaning Anhydrous HF line for Decommissioning

Q. We currently have a anhydrous HF line we will be decommissioning. We will use a lot of filtered river water to thoroughly flush Monel line. When we are finished, I would like to use the Alconox product to use as a final cleaner and neutralizing agent in the pipe before it is dismantled. I would like instructions on how much Alconox to use to perform the operation.
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Combining Aqueous Detergents

Q. We are currently cleaning using 3% Detergent 8, 2% Citranox and 2% Liquinox in separate wash cycles with rinse cycles after each wash cycle. Would there be any issues if I combined the three detergents (using the same concentrations) into one wash cycle?
A. We do not recommend combining detergents. These detergents have different cleaning mechanisms . . . Read More.

colloidal silver

Cleaning Colloidal Silver Production Tanks

Q. Currently I am not using a cleaner, just mechanical cleaning with water. I am cleaning batch tanks used to produce colloidal silver. The only two ingredients in the tank are pure silver electrodes and distilled water. The cleaner needs to be FDA-approved for internal use after the cleaning cycle.


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