Q. Is Citranox comparable to citric acid?
A. Yes, 1% Citranox® Liquid Acid Cleaner and Detergent can be used to replace the kind of cleaning achievable from 1% citric acid. The Citranox cleaner formulation is approximately 1/3 citric and other organic acids by weight…. Learn more
Q. Which Alconox brand cleaner can be used to remove metal oxides from small copper parts with attached plastic components?
A. The emulsifiers and surfactants in Citranox, Acid Cleaner and Rinse, are ideal for the removal of metal oxides. Citranox is also ideal for soak and manual cleaning and can be used on soft metals such as copper. Start with a 2% solution of Citranox for the soak in warm water. Make sure to rinse thoroughly.
Q. We are cleaning straight machine oil off parts, followed by a Ozonics 203 dip. We have a vapor degreaser but stopped using it due to odors & EPA exhaust concerns. I plan to use Liquinox in a strong concentration to remove the residual oil and Ozonics 203. I plan to use the degreaser as a heated ultrasonic cleaner. What concentration would you recommend? This would be followed by our final u.s. cleaning using 2% Liquinox & dual cascading D.I. water.
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Q. What are environmental issues are involved with aqueous cleaning?
A. Generally, the environmental impact and issues involved in aqueous cleaning have to do with the ingredients used and their ultimate discharge into the environment. Taking a larger view, it is also important to consider the energy and resources consumed in making and using the cleaner. There are several important factors concerning discharge of spent cleaning solutions into the environment: biodegradability, aquatic toxicity and eutrophication acceleration. Learn More.
Q. What is the cleaning duration in a horizontal glass washer with 1% Detojet at 50 deg C? A. In house lab data that shows
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