
Generic filters

Low and Non Volatile Organic Compound VOC Cleaners

Q. To comply with air quality requlations, the use of low volatile cleaning compounds is often required. How much volatile organic compounds (VOC) are in Alconox cleaners? A. The use of aqueous cleaners

Ultrasonic Cleaning of Stainless Steel

Q. We are considering using a Liquinox solution for our cleaning needs. We will be cleaning stainless steel from the residues of oils etc. We will be cleaning using an ultrasonic bath. Can you recommend a concentration, time and temperature?

Environmental Considerations on Cleaning Products

When selecting a detergent, considerations for safe environmental cleaning products include concern over volatile solvents with ozone-depleting potential and volatile-organic compound content that is regulated by The Clean Air Act Amendments.

Critical Cleaning Detergent Testing

Q. What kinds of test soils are used in detergent testing? A. Synthetic soils are often applied to coupons to use in testing critical cleaning detergents. The synthetic soil mimics the actual residue to be cleaned.

Filter Cleaning Wine Residue

Q. What kind of cleaning can I expect from Tergazyme when cleaning filters with wine residues? A. We would expect Tergazyme to work very well on biofilms or microbial contamination from filters that had been repeatedly used to filter wine.


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