Q: What types of Alconox, Inc. detergent would I use to clean a mold release agent? As an aside, is there any chance I could use the same detergent to also clean copper traces off a printed circuit board?
A: Yes! You may indeed be able to use one detergent in both these cleaning applications. But it will only work if the copper is not in the form of an oxide. Here’s why.
A non-free rinsing cleaner might contain fragrances that were designed to deposit and leave a fresh scent, or it might contain corrosion inhibitors that are designed to deposit and leave behind an anti-corrosion film.
Alconox, Inc, cleaners are free rinsing detergents and do not leave deposits on substrates after rinsing.
Q: What precisely is critical cleaning? How does it differ from “regular” cleaning? A: It refers to a very specific type of cleaning. It is where the cleaning itself impacts the value of the finished output from whatever residue/contaminant is being cleaned.
For electronics cleaning, Detergent 8 contains no conductive metal cations, and therefore it cannot leave conductive residues
Q: Our gold plating process leaves some residue and someone recommended chlorine bleach for cleaning, but we’re afraid that will negatively effect the finish. Can Alconox assist with safely removing residues from gold plating? Should we use a soak or ultrasonic cleaning process?
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