Q. The highest purity is needed for metal alloy crystal growth in quartz ampoules. Quartz tubing will be purchased new, but we want to make sure it’s as clean as possible for our experiments
A. For the cleanest possible quartz we recommend an alkaline detergent followed by an acid detergent. Read More.
We have a glass wash machine and use Alcojet for it. We would like to know if you need to include a neutralizing agent like Citrajet as part of the wash cycle (acid rinse)? Alcojet® Low Foaming Powdered Detergent is what we would call free-rinsing, meaning it rinses completely away with water without rinse aids.
Q. We are looking for cleaners that are minimally toxic or non-toxic to insects while effectively cleaning and removing biological debris, sugar, and pathogens.
A. Thank you for your request for a detergent that is minimally or non-toxic to insects. We regret to inform you that we do not have insect toxicity studies for our detergents. The mammalian and systemic toxicity information that we do have, however, shows that Liquinox® is very low in toxicity.
Q: We’re looking for a detergent solution like Liqui-Jet™2 Instrument Detergent by Steris. We need it to clean the drain in our microbiology autoclave, so it should be able to target any media or agar that may be clogging the drain.…
Q: We are looking to replace our detergent for cutting oil removal and possibly move away from using an ultrasonic bath. Can you help? A: We would recommend Alconox® Powdered Precision Cleaner for removal of cutting oil from stainless parts. It…
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