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How To: Clean Agar Residue

Q: We are looking to clean agar residue from a belt in a machine that pours agar. What do you recommend?

A: For cleaning agar from a belt via manual cleaning, depending on you preference for a powder or liquid detergent, respectively, we would recommend….

Differences between Alconox and Liquinox

Q. Currently using Alconox, but are considering a switch to liquinox. We have seen less residuals with Liquinox, which is desireable. What are the recommendations and concerns with switching from Alconox to Liquinox? What are the difference in ingredients between the two?
A. Alconox and Liquinox are functionally equivalent cleaners, but are not chemically identical. Click to learn more and access the Liquinox and Alconox msds.

Removing Fish Oil Residues

Q. We would like to have neutral foaming cleaning agent to clean fish oil and gelatin residue. We will also need a validatable method to test residue.
A. If neutral, foaming is required, we recommend you evaluate Liquinox detergent. Liquinox is a neutral pH range, high foaming concentrated cleaner. The oxidation mechanisms in the Alcojet and Detojet detergents would be the preferred choice for removing these oily, odor persistent residues. 

Removing Capsaicin Residue

Q: We have capsaicin residue we are encountering.  If it is proving challenging to remove, and irritating to our technicians.  Please help!

A:  We can attack via emulsification or oxidation.  If you are indeed looking to clean manually, the powerful emulsification capability of Detonox® Ultimate Precision Cleaner detergent, along with warm to hot temperatures, will help. 

Probiotics Manufacturing

Cleaning Probiotics with Low Foaming Detergent

Q: We are a medium-sized production company, focused on probiotic manufacturing.  We would like a low foaming detergent to clean our stainless steel production tanks and lines.  The residue can be quite challenging.  

A:  Residue from probiotics, which are microorganisms, will be proteinaceous and organic in nature.  These residues can be adherent and challenging to remove, especially when a low foaming detergent is required.  Recall that low foaming surfactants tend to be less good at emulsifying, and a reliance on chemistry is required for the predominant cleaning mechanism.  


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