Q. We are building a new manufacturing line and need to scale up. Want to talk with experts on glass cleaning in PV. You have very large product line and seem to have PV. Please have the correct person contact me so that we a)use the correct detergent and b) use it correctly.
A. The correct detergent for cleaning glass in a large scale glass cleaner is Detojet. Click for the complete answer.
Q. I am looking to find a solution to dip my solar module into that has a 3500 ohm-cm resistivity and will not harm the optics on my solar device. This is part of the IEC 62108 wet insulation test.
Q. What industries commonly use Detojet and what residues does Detojet remove?
A. Detojet, Low-Foaming Liquid Detergent is used in a variety of industries such as Healthcare, Laboratory, Precision Manufacturing and Metalworking and Food & Dairy. Detojet is an alkaline non-ionic cleaner that would remove soil, tares, resins, grease, blood, tissue, oils, particulates, chemicals, and solvents.
For more information on Detojet, please see the technical bulletin or the Detojet msds.
Q. What is the viscosity of Detojet so a vendor can specify a flow meter for delivery application? Do you have any recommendations of methods of verification?
A. The viscosity of Detojet is similar to that of water. The viscosity of water depends on temperature. Read More . . .
Q. We use Citranox for cleaning glass coated with tin oxide. We use the cleaned glass to deposit thin film CdS/CdTe photovoltaic devices. We use your citranox detergent and use a stainless steel ultrasonic cleaner. Is there a concern that the citranox could corrode stainless and deposit metallic ions on the glass surface? Which can be detrimental to the semiconductor films of the photovoltaic devices? Should we use a PTFE ultrasonic cleaner?
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