Q. To comply with air quality requlations, the use of low volatile cleaning compounds is often required. How much volatile organic compounds (VOC) are in Alconox cleaners? A. The use of aqueous cleaners
Q. We are considering using a Liquinox solution for our cleaning needs. We will be cleaning stainless steel from the residues of oils etc. We will be cleaning using an ultrasonic bath. Can you recommend a concentration, time and temperature?
Q. How can I get better cleaning results from my labware washer? A. Failure to clean successfully often results from loading glassware in a way that it does not drain properly . . .
Q. What cleaners are recommended for general biochemistry laboratory? A. We recommend different Alconox detergents depending on the lab cleaning being performed. Liquinox for soak cleaning & pipets, Tergazyme for tissue/blood…
Q. Which detergent should be used for manual & CIP cleaning of Olanzapine? A. Use Solujet for spray CIP pharmaceutical cleaning of Olanzapine. Solujet and Liquinox can also be used for manual cleaning with proper protection.
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