Q: We reenact Civil War battles and need to clean the bayonets, rifles and assorted other metal parts. We came across Alconox as a source for safely cleaning these important pieces. The residues are largely rust and pine tar. What would you recommend?
A: Cleaning steel used in reenactments as you describe certainly helps in establishing the proper setting for the show. Cleaning tool steel (also called mild steel) requires a little bit of effort to ensure flash rusting does not occur during rinsing. To avoid this….
The technique of 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, allows for the production of complex geometries, both metallic and polymer, that a few years ago designers could only dream of. However, these geometries present some post printing issues that impede the rapid production times that makes additive manufacturing attractive. One of these issues is the removal of trapped metal powder from these tight features, channels and porosity of these complex geometries.
Q: How do you clean MgF2 windows for chrome plating? We would also like to use in our cleanroom on different kinds of glass types and ceramics.
A: To prepare magnesium fluoride (MgF2) for adhesion of chrome or other plating, a very clean surface is needed. Depending on what kinds of residues are expected, Alconox® Powdered Precision Cleaner and Liquinox® Critical Cleaning Liquid Detergent are great options. The choice of which detergent would be….
Q. Why does Liquinox have an expiration date? What are we losing by using expired soap? A.
Q: We had a small fire incident in our lab when working with toluene and xylene. We are now going with safer aqueous detergents and will replace toluene and xylene as cleaning agents. What do you recommend for hydrocarbons from lab and glassware?
A: For removing hydrocarbons from lab and glassware, hot (60-80C) Alconox® Powdered Precision Cleaner or Liquinox® Critical Cleaning Liquid Detergent should do a great job, and….
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