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Alconox detergents

Shelf Life of Opened Detergent Concentrate

Q. What is the shelf life of the Liquinox concentrate? A. Liquinox conforms to its 2 year shelf life under typical laboratory storage conditions…

Automated and Ultrasonic Cleaning of P20 Steel

P20 is a low carbon mold steel and can be safely cleaned with an acidic detergent, which excels at removing inorganic residues like salts and oxidation.

Clean in Place “Hacks” for Water Spots

A: A two-step cycle with a base followed by an acid, whether it be CIP cleaning or in a large scale liquid dispensing system washer, is a robust and, when needed, is a recommended process. Water spots typically occur because of two main mechanisms….

Going Green with Cold Cleaning

Q: We are a large biotech and in an effort to go green with our cleaning, we are exploring cold cleaning (cleaning with cold water) using your detergents. A: Cold cleaning is a very reasonable approach for energy conservation, and in short, its effectiveness depends on the details of the application.

Ultra high vacuum compatible cleaning

Q. Can Liquinox be used to remove residues from stainless steel for ultra high vacuum compatible cleaning? A. Yes, Liquinox has been used


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