Simplify Validation Using a Worst Case Matrix
To simplify validations, it is recommended that a matrix of worst case equipment to clean and worst case residues to remove be created. Start by first assembling an equipment matrix and residue matrix that defines all shared and dedicated equipment with what residues they are exposed to. By conducting testing, it is possible to identify and document a “worst case”, for the most difficult to clean equipment and residues.
We are using a bath of Alconox powder for cleaning several metallic parts. We have found that both the concentration of Alconox, along with a set duration brings about the correct end result. As the wash solution is created at the beginning of each working shift, a gradual ‘weakening’ of the process occurs. In some instances, we resort to manually replenishing the tank with a fresh mix mid-shift. Would you have any general advice?
Residual titanium dioxide (TiO2) can certainly pose issues due to it’s nature in the presence of heat. To remove TiO2 from tanks using CIP sprayballs, it is important to use….
Q. We just purchased Alcojet which is a low-foaming detergent. The one we used before was non-foaming detergent. What’s the difference between “low” and “non?” Will Alcojet cause a foaming problem?
A. Alcojet® is designed for use in automated cleaning applications that require no foam problems. Alcojet® has an anti-foam agent that becomes effective at circa 110 deg F (45 deg C). As long as you clean at …
Q: We were wondering if Alconox Inc. has any data on detergent reuse? We will be looking at effectiveness of cleaning, and other parameters. Any other methods that you would recommend for detecting degradation and/or neutralization of the Alconox detergent?
A: Successful use for a period of time, whether it be one day, five days or up to two weeks, generally depends on soil load, type of soil and initial concentration of the detergent.
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