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Poor Fingerprint Removal

Q. I am getting foaming and poor finger print removal I have examined Detergent 8 and Liquinox. Do you have other suggestions? A. Both Liquinox and Detergent 8 can effectively remove fingerprint residues. Unless you otherwise have a need for an ion-free detergent because you are cleaning off electronic or semiconductor ion sensitive substrates, I would recommend using…

ec 648/2004

What Alconox brands are EC 648/2004 compliant?

Q. What Alconox brands are EC 648/2004 compliant?
A. Alconox, Alcotabs, Citrajet, Detojet, Tergajet, Tergazyme. For more information about any one of our Alconox Cleaners, consult the specific technical bulletin for each product HERE. Or click here to access each of our detergent’s Material Data Safety Sheets. You can also request a free sample by completing the questionnaire at Get Sample.

Cleaning Photovoltaic Surfaces

Q. Which Alconox detergents can best clean glass or metal that has a photovoltaic surface? A. Thin film solar module manuf

Assistance Developing Photovoltaic Cleaning Process

Q: We are looking to hire someone to design and implement a turnkey cleaning process for our Photovoltaic manufacturing application. Do you provide this service?

A: Yes. We do this type of work often. With increased governmental commitments to support renewable energy initiatives, winners and losers in solar module fabrication will be determined more quickly and by a variety of factors. One factor will be the elimination of defects to increase yields in the manufacturing process. Critical cleaning of substrates and superstrates is an essential component in achieving an optimal solar module fabrication process which reduces the cost per watt.

Cleaning Stainless Substrates in Photovoltaic Manufacturing

Q: We need to clean stainless steel substrates prior to PV film deposition. What detergent should we use and in what amount and by what process?

A: If the process is batch ultrasonic cleaning, use a 2% CITRANOX® solution at 60°C for 5 minutes of dwell time in the tank. This approach can also be used when cleaning copper substrates.

If using a conveyorized horizontal washer where oily residues are a particular concern, use a 1% SOLUJET® solution at 60°C at line rates of 1.5 meters per minute, for a total contact time of roughly 30 seconds prior to the rinse station.

Following these initial trials …


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