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A Solution For Using An Expired Detergent Solution

Q: Is there any damage that could be caused to our parts if they were washed in the Liquinox Solution after being expired for 5 days? Would reprocessing the products in Non Expired Solution be a safe resolution? A: As discussed here, Using Expired Detergent, the cleaning in expired Liquinox detergent….

Probiotics Manufacturing

Cleaning Probiotics with Low Foaming Detergent

Q: We are a medium-sized production company, focused on probiotic manufacturing.  We would like a low foaming detergent to clean our stainless steel production tanks and lines.  The residue can be quite challenging.  

A:  Residue from probiotics, which are microorganisms, will be proteinaceous and organic in nature.  These residues can be adherent and challenging to remove, especially when a low foaming detergent is required.  Recall that low foaming surfactants tend to be less good at emulsifying, and a reliance on chemistry is required for the predominant cleaning mechanism.  

Advanced Cleaning Mechanisms: Oxidation

Oxidation or bleaching is one of the many cleaning mechanisms that a detergent formulator can bring to bear by formulating with appropriate ingredients.  In cleaning, oxidation, or bleaching, changes the structure of a residue to render it more easily removed. Oxidation is loss….

Lab Glassware

Labware Cleaning: Solujet Leaving Ring

Q. It appears that the Solujet is leaving a ring on some of the labware that cannot be removed. What is this ring (sodium silicate?)? How do we remove it? The labware has not been completely submerged. We have just added the Solujet soak for some labware that may have stubborn organics. We have been giving the labware a 4 hour soak in 1% Solujet, followed by warm tap water rinse then wash with Liquinox followed by 3x DI rinse.

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Advanced Cleaning Mechanisms: What are Surfactant Systems?

Q. In your email you mentioned that Solujet and Citrajet have more sophisticated surfactant systems than a competitor’s low foaming washer detergent – could you explain a little bit more what ‘surfactant systems’ are?

A. Absolutely! Surfactants, or Surface Active Agents, are compounds that lower surface tension between particles, such as oil and water. In the oil and water example, a surfactant compound will contain hydrophilic and lipophilic molecules…


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