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Food Safe Cleaners – Solujet

Q. Can Solujet be used to clean food contact services? A. Yes, Solujet is USDA authorized category A1 for use in food contact surface cleaning. Solujet is recommended for cleaning stainless steel, glass, PTFE® and ceramic surfaces.

Phosphate Free Critical Cleaning Detergents

Q. Which Alconox detergents are phosphate-free? A. Alconox supplies several phosphate-free critical cleaning detergents.

Cleaning Basal Media in a Large Tank

Q. Could you please recommend a minimum Solujet concentration, temperature and time for use with a CIP system to wash a large mixing tank dedicated to manufacturing DMEM-F12 basal media.
A. Without actually doing a study with your exact sprayballs and flow rates, I cannot give you precise time, temperatures and concentrations. I can give you some guidelines based on general experience with medical device cleaning validation.

Cleaning Sludge from Lab Glassware

Q. I hope that you can help recommend a product that might help a customer of ours that’s having great difficulty getting cleaning lab glassware. It has remnants of sludge from a water treatment facility laboratory. They are manual cleaning, and willing to soak the glassware, but they are not sure Tergazyme will be strong enough. Have you run into this before? Do you know if Tergazyme will work?

Removing Oil and Grease Spray Washer

Q. We need to remove oil and grease and use a spray in air parts washer A. Critical cleaning to remove oil and grease is possible with a spray washer. Click to learn what Alconox detergents are best for this process.


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