Q. Which Alconox cleaners are low foaming for use in mechanical washers?
A. Alconox, Inc makes both powder and liquid; acid and alkaline; and phosphate containing and phosphate-free low foaming cleaners. You need a low foaming cleaner for use in mechanical washers that rely on spraying to clean surfaces.
Q. Which Alconox detergents are phosphate-free? A. Alconox supplies several phosphate-free critical cleaning detergents.
Do Alconox brands have class 1, 2, 3, or 4 residual solvent ingredients? No, Alconox brands do not contain class 1, 2,3, or 4 residual solvent ingredients.
Alconox manufactures several phosphate-free detergents ideal for cleaning BOD bottles. For manual cleaning use Liquinox, Critical Cleaning Liquid Detergent.
Q. What is TOC and is TOC an acceptable residue detection method for Alconox Brand Aqueous Cleaners? A. Total organic carbon (TOC) is the amount of carbon bound in an organic compound
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