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Clean Wine Glasses 3 E1429706025152
Published: April 22, 2015

Q. We have a line of grocery stores that have a wine dispenser. The dispensing lines need to be cleaned, and they are looking for a citric acid based cleaner.

A. We recommend circulating a 1% Citrajet (1.25 oz/gal or 10 ml/L) citric acid based detergent through the lines followed by a thorough potable water rinse.  Citrajet is free of fragrances and dyes that might deposit in the line and interfere with the sensory experience of the wine in from these lines.  Citrajet will do an excellent job dissolving tartaric acid crystal deposits and other residues from wine that can build up in the lines.

Click for Citrajet SDS, technical bulletin and sample request.


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