
Generic filters
Published: July 30, 2014

Q. My system has the following materials in it: CPVC, stainless steel, cast iron and copper; should I expect an 8% Citrajet solution to etch any of these materials?

A. No etching will occur on CPVC, Stainless Steel, cast iron and copper from 8% Citrajet. Cast iron might rust in the rinse water, especially if you use hot rinse water. Use water below 120 deg F to rinse cast iron and then dry quickly by removing rather than evaporating water if possible. (remove with a solvent, forced air/gas, or wipe).

Need more information on Citrajet? Click to download any of our detergent’s technical bulletins and/or Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS). You can also request a free sample by completing the questionnaire at Get Sample.


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