Q: I recently purchased one of your 5 gallon jerrycans for use in our facility. Can you confirm how to open and install the spigot on the jerrycan correctly?
A: First and foremost, thank you for your purchase and choosing Alconox Inc. for your critical cleaning needs. It is always good practice to confirm the proper way to use the jerrycan and we have the instructions below.
1. Remove the 2 inch cap that has a ¾ inch drum faucet threaded hole with a punch out disk at the bottom by turning counter-clockwise using a large channel lock wrench, large pipe wrench, or 2 inch bung wrench.
2. There is a punch-out disc in the middle of 2 inch cap that was just removed. To punch this out, tilt the cap with its bottom against an approximately ½ inch thick solid object to create space for punching out the disk and punch out the disk at the bottom of the threads by using a large flat bladed screwdriver positions at the edge of the disk and the threads at the bottom of the hole by gently tapping with a hammer. Continue around the edge of the disk at the bottom of the threads using the screw driver to punch the disk out. If you want, once it is about half way punched out, you can grab the disk with a plier and peel it off of the bottom of the cap. Inspect the base of the punched out hole for any burrs or bits of plastic sticking out and remove them with the screwdriver or pliers.
3. Hand screw the cap back on to the jerrycan. Hand screw the ¾ inch spigot in to the threaded hole that now has a punched out hole in the bottom. Hand tighten and position the spigot so it is pointing downward when the jerrycan is resting on its side. Be sure the spigot is closed (handle in line with the body of the spigot) before you tilt the jerrycan on its side. Slightly open the small air relief cap that is opposite the large 2 inch cap to allow air to come in to the jerrycan when the spigot is opened.
4. Rest the jerrycan on its side on the edge of a shelf or counter with the spigot overhanging to be positioned for dispensing detergent when the spigot is opened.
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