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Published: August 22, 2024

Q: Is there any damage that could be caused to our parts if they were washed in the Liquinox Solution after being expired for 5 days? Would reprocessing the products in Non Expired Solution be a safe resolution?

A:  As discussed here, Using Expired Detergent, the cleaning in expired Liquinox detergent, as you might imagine, is a practice that should be avoided – Adequate Alconox Detergent Cleaning Past Shelf Life?  However, as it is only 5 days, the likelihood of damage is extremely minimal.  Same as risk for less cleaning capacity. The issue in this case would be more of compliance to your procedures. Your suggestion of cleaning with non-expired solution, often called a re-work or re-clean, would be a good path forward.  Ultimately an SOP or Work Instruction may needed for that depending on your Validation Master Plan or similar.

There are also circumstances as described in above articles where we can offer a shelf life extension, depending on specifics, which we would be happy to discuss.  If a re-clean process is available, that can be a, pardon the pun, cleaner solution in many circumstances. 

These principles will essentially hold true for all of our critical cleaning products.

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To request any Alconox Inc. detergents for free, please complete the questionnaire at Get Sample. For more information about any one of our Alconox Inc. detergents, consult the technical bulletin for each product. Or click here to access each of our detergent’s Safety Data Sheets

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Product Liquinox White Back Scaled 300x300 1

Liquinox is a concentrated, anionic detergent for manual and ultrasonic cleaning. Free rinsing to give you reliable results without interfering residues. Extremely mild and completely soluble in hard and soft water. USDA authorized. Dilute 1:100. pH 8.5

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