Q. The 1% Alconox solution (1 us cup in ~6 gal) is turning brown after a few days of light use.
Also, I wanted to know if there is a liquid Alconox I can use to create a replacement liquid with when the tank level drops. I noticed the Alconox powder has a ph of ~9.5 and the Liquinox is 8.5ph, not sure how this would work.
A. The Alconox solution turning brown is very likely related to something that is being removed, even if it is light use. Alconox solutions do not typically turn brown after a few days of light use.
You can use Liquinox as a make-up detergent liquid to add to an Alconox solution, the difference in pH will not cause any problems. Keep the solution covered between use to minimize the risk of starting to grow microbes.
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