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Alconox marker to Analyze

Q. What is the marker to analyze for when using the Alconox product to clean? A. Thanks for your question about what marker to use to analyze for Alconox detergent. In general the best Alconox marker to analyze for is…

Does Alconox or Liquinox contain 1,4-Dioxane?

Nonionic Liquinox likely contains extremely trace levels 1,4-Dioxane, but anionic Alconox is very unlikely to contain 1-4 dioxane. Sometimes people inadvertently refer to Liquinox as Alconox because it is made by Alconox, inc.

Do Alconox brands contain residual solvent ingredients?

Do Alconox brands have class 1, 2, 3, or 4 residual solvent ingredients? No, Alconox brands do not contain class 1, 2,3, or 4 residual solvent ingredients.

Density of Liquinox and Alconox

Q. What is the density of Liquinox and Alconox? A. Liquinox has a density of 1.07 g/ml. Alconox is a dry blended hygroscopic powder, so its density varies.

Cleaning Lab Pipettes

For washing pipettes, Alconox, Inc. recommends using Alcotabs in a pipette siphon washer after presoaking in Alconox or Liquinox.


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