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Cleaning Space Environment Simulation Chambers

Q. We are currently using Alconox® for cleaning of space environment simulation chambers. What do you recommend for a process to clean steel piping contaminated with DC-704 and Fryquel 550 and turbomolecular vacuum pump backing piping at JSC/NAS?

A. Alconox® detergent is the right choice, but vacuum pump grease is a very heavy difficult to remove residue. We recommend using very hot (170 deg F if possible) 2% Alconox® (20 g/L) followed by a very hot first rinse…

Ambient Temperature for Cleaning

Q. I am manufacturing engineer and I have a question regarding Alconox powdered precision cleaner. Your catalog says that the minimum cleaning temperature when using Alconox should be ambient temperature. How much is Ambient Temperature exactly? Our clean rooms have a temperature of approximately 21°C, which means that after heating it for preparation it will cool down through the day. Should we keep it over 21 °C?

Cleaning Pharm & Biotech Processing Equipment

Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology processing equipment can be made residue-free clean with Alconox Critical Cleaning Detergents. Alconox, Inc. detergents are available worldwide with consistent formulations, certificates of analysis, ingredient toxicity data, shelf life information, residue sampling techniques, ingredients disclosure, analytic methods, lot number tracking, and validation support.

Custom Detergent Formulations

Q. Does Alconox, Inc. make custom detergent formulations to solve special cleaning problems?

A. Yes, Alconox, Inc. will make custom formulations to solve special cleaning problems. Of course we always try to solve cleaning problems with off the shelf cleaners, but if there are special cleaning needs that cannot be met using regular Alconox brand cleaners, then where the size of business warrants manufacturing a new formulation, we will make custom detergents.

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Alconox Detergent Ingredients

Q. How do I find out the ingredients of Alconox cleaners?


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