
Generic filters

Low and Non Volatile Organic Compound VOC Cleaners

Q. To comply with air quality requlations, the use of low volatile cleaning compounds is often required. How much volatile organic compounds (VOC) are in Alconox cleaners? A. The use of aqueous cleaners

Cleaning HVAC

Q. What do you use to clean Type L copper tubing for an HVAC application?
A. We recommend that you use a warm 2% Citranox solution followed by a thorough rinse.

Installing Filtration/Agitation Pumps

Q. We are going to install filtration/agitation pumps and recirculation pipes to decrease our soak times in a tank by getting more agitation. Can we use CPVC in the Citranox solution, or would polypro be required? A. Citranox concentrate . . .

Ultrasonic Medical Device Cleaning

Q. What are the recommended cleaners for ultrasonic cleaning medical devices? A. Alconox manufactures high emulsifying detergents ideal for medical device cleaning — removing difficult soils from elastomers, plastics & stainless steel.

Phosphate Free Critical Cleaning Detergents

Q. Which Alconox detergents are phosphate-free? A. Alconox supplies several phosphate-free critical cleaning detergents.


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