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TOC Analysis of Alcojet and Citrajet

Q. How much Total Organic Carbon (TOC) is in Alcojet and Citrajet? A. Click for details on Alcojet and Citrajet TOC analysis . . .

Alcojet in a Dishwasher

Q: Our laboratory plans to purchase the Alcojet detergent, do we have to dilute the detergent before placing it in the dish washer or can we just place the powder in the dish washer? A. Alcojet is a lab detergent suitable for dishwasher use. There is typically a cup designed to hold powdered detergent, often with a door that stays closed during the prewash cycle and then pops open during the wash cycle. No cup for dosing? Read More . . .

Cleaners to Prepare for Sterilization

Q. What products prepare instruments for sterilization?

A. Use a proper cleaner prior to sterilization. Alconox and Liquinox instrument cleaners are effective and economical manual, ultrasonic or soak cleaners.


Alconox Inc. Cleaners listed by the NSF

Q. I need a cleaner that is suitable for cleaning food contact surfaces. A. The following cleaners are authorized for use as general purpose food contact surface cleaners followed by potable water rinse in USDA inspected food plants . . .

Manual Wine Glass Cleaning

Don’t let fragrances, dyes, or residue found in household cleaners interfere with sensory appreciation of wine in a wineglass. Use Alconox.


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