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Cleaning Silicone Grease Residue Build Up in a Parts Washer

Q. Our parts washer uses a 2.5 hour cycle following a manual wash. A build up of silicone grease is observed. Our preference is to reduce manual cleaning. Is there a cleaning agent available that can remove silicone grease that would be compatible with a parts washer using water as the cleaning agent?

Detergent for Household Dishwasher

Q. I am currently looking for a cleaner to use in our new dish washer. Could you recommend a detergent for us to use? This is a normal portable dish washer that is typically used in the home. We would like to make sure that residue is not left behind on our glassware after washing.

A. Thanks for your question about a detergent for use in a portable home dish washer with a deionized water hook up. I recommend that you use Alcojet detergent, and that you add some Citrajet to the rinse aid compartment.

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Clean Salicylic Acid Lotions From Equipment

Q. What can be used to manually clean salicylic acid lotions, creams, emulsions from manufacturing equipment?
A. In general salicylic acid is best cleaned by sodium phosphate or alkali citrate salt containing cleaners. Lotions and creams are often best cleaned by high alkaline cleaners.

hard water

Citrajet and Hard Water

I work in a lab here in London, and we are washing lab glassware (molecular biology/bacteria) with a standard home dishwasher. We do not have access to distilled water for rinsing, and our water is very hard. Will Citrajet be okay under those conditions? Also, do you have a distributor for Citrajet in the UK?

Removing Buildup in a Lab Washer

Q. I need to remove a white/grey buildup of Alconox detergent residue from inside a stainless steel dishwasher.   Do you have a recommendation? A. We certainly can help and have a couple of recommendations.   If indeed you mean “Alconox…


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