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Alconox and Environmental Safety

Q. I will be sampling sediments in a lake with a drilling unit. I am wondering if Alconox is harmful to the environment. i.e. if it got into the lake, is there a possibility of harm? I plan on using it to rinse drill bits. Also, what concentration is typical?

New Fryer? Nope. Just Clean!

A Food service company in Missouri used Alconox for the first time to clean their kitchen’s deep fryer.
According to Janet, the shift manager, “The build up on our fryers was very bad as it had not been deep cleaned for about 2 years. We used Alconox and it was amazing. All the black buildup came off and the fryer looks new.”
Cleaning a fryer with Alconox is simple.

Chlorine added to Alconox for Medical Cleaning

Q. Will adding chlorine increase the cleaning power of Alconox Powdered Precision Cleaner?
A. Adding bleach will offer some disinfecting in addition to cleaning. Note that if the full disinfection power of bleach is needed, the correct way to use it is to clean first with Alconox to remove all residues that would shield the pathogens from the bleach, and then do a second disinfection with bleach for the correct length of time in order to be sure that the pathogens have been exposed to the correct solution for the correct length of time.

Using pH and Conductivity to Detect Residues

Q. We are in the process of developing a cleaning validation study for our laboratory glassware. The cleaning agent selected was Alconox. We are trying to establish acceptance criteria using the pH method to ensure successful removal of the cleaning agent. We did some trials using a solution made with mixtures of the Di water, which is 1000 ppm to see what it looks like but the results were not clear to me. How about the other method as conductivity? Read The Answer . . .

Cleaners to Prepare for Sterilization

Q. What products prepare instruments for sterilization?

A. Use a proper cleaner prior to sterilization. Alconox and Liquinox instrument cleaners are effective and economical manual, ultrasonic or soak cleaners.


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