Q. We machine magnets. We currently do not have a cleaner and are looking for one to clean our magnet material without leaving a residue or damaging the magnet itself.
A. Magnets are often made of iron materials that are prone to rusting or corrosion. When cleaning magnets, use an ambient temperature 1% Alconox solution (10 g/L or 1.25 oz/gal). Clean by soak, manual scrub or ultrasonic methods. Rinse thoroughly and rapidly with ambient temperature water.
It is very critical … Read More.
In this video, you will learn how Detonox® Ultimate Precision Cleaner makes short work of cannabis residues in various real-world applications.
For access to additional resources to clean cannabis residues and other botanical extracts, visit https://alconox.com/cannabis.
An interview with Michael Moussourakis, Senior Director of Strategic Affairs at Alconox Inc. discussing cannabis cleaning challenges and the cannabis industry as a whole.
Those involved in cannabis processing, whether the dispensary, lab, extraction or manufacturing floor, know cannabis cleaning challenges are real. Click below to find out more!
Q: We had a small fire incident in our lab when working with toluene and xylene. We are now going with safer aqueous detergents and will replace toluene and xylene as cleaning agents. What do you recommend for hydrocarbons from lab and glassware?
A: For removing hydrocarbons from lab and glassware, hot (60-80C) Alconox® Powdered Precision Cleaner or Liquinox® Critical Cleaning Liquid Detergent should do a great job, and….
Q: We are looking to clean stainless steel shears and trimmers that have cannabis residue. We have heard great things about your detergents. Will they work here?
A: Yes, absolutely. Ensuring that between batches, equipment is robustly cleaned to avoid cross contamination is essential to ensure your product stays pure. The way it should be
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