Q. What Alconox brands are EC 648/2004 compliant?
A. Alconox, Alcotabs, Citrajet, Detojet, Tergajet, Tergazyme. For more information about any one of our Alconox Cleaners, consult the specific technical bulletin for each product HERE. Or click here to access each of our detergent’s Material Data Safety Sheets. You can also request a free sample by completing the questionnaire at Get Sample.
Q. Can Ion Chromatography detection method be used for Tergajet? A. Sodium Ion specific electrodes can be used to detect Tergajet, however very good deionized water must be used and there can be no other significant source of sodium in your system.
Q. How is galvanic corrosion prevented when cleaning aluminum?
A. Aluminum is an active metal that is somewhat high on the “anodic index” of the galvanic series. If aluminum is cleaned with other metals present, you can create a battery and get galvanic corrosion. Aluminum should not be cleaned in the presence of metals that are significantly higher or lower on the anodic series; higher on the anodic scale such as zinc, magnesium or beryllium metals and lower on the anodic scale such as tin, brass, bronze, copper, silver, nickel and rhodium.
Q. Which Alconox cleaners can be used on Aluminum?
A. The Alconox brand cleaners recommended for cleaning aluminum are Alconox, Liquinox, Tergazyme, Alcojet, Alcotabs, Detojet, Citranox, Luminox, Citrajet, Solujet and Tergajet. Detergent 8 is not recommended for cleaning aluminum. Aluminum forms a natural passive layer in air that allows it to be successfully cleaned without adverse reactions with cleaner. A passive layer forms in under an hour, provided there is no oily film present. Once the passive layer is formed, the recommended Alconox brand cleaners can be used to clean the aluminum at concentrations of less than 5% at 90 deg C or less for up to one hour.
When cleaning aluminum, it is assumed that the aluminum has been exposed to air and has formed the typical aluminum oxide layer prior to cleaning. If recently machined, aluminum must be cleaned and it cannot be allowed to air passivate. Therefore, a cleaner that contains appropriate metasilicate inhibitors such as Solujet, Detojet, Alcojet or Tergajet must be used.
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