
Generic filters

Effects of Increased Tergazyme Concentration

Q. Currently we allow parts to soak in 1% Tergazyme® enzyme-active powdered detergent overnight. If we were to increase the concentration to 3-4%, do you think it would increase the stability of the solution being active for a longer period of time?
A. You will both increase the rate of auto-digestion due to increased enzyme concentration

Tergazyme and Bleach Cleaning

Q. Can Tergazyme be used to clean a microfiltration membrane system? Can Tergazyme be a supplement to bleach cleaning. A. Tergazyme can be an excellent pre-cleaning procedure prior to bleaching.


Why is there no Liquid Tergazyme?

Q. Is there a liquid equivalent to Tergazyme® enzyme-active powdered detergent?
A. There is not a liquid equivalent to Tergazyme detergent. Liquid products do not give comparable shelf life and robust, reliable enzymatic activity compared to powders like Tergazyme detergent.

Sodium Phosphate in Tergazyme

Q. The phosphate content ( as phosphorus ) is 7.5% in catalog of Tergazyme , why is the concentration of Sodium Phosphate 30- 40% in the MSDS ? What is different? A. Ingredients on a detergent’s package may look different than what is listed in the detergent’s msds. Learn why with this answer about Tergazyme msds.

Low and Non Volatile Organic Compound VOC Cleaners

Q. To comply with air quality requlations, the use of low volatile cleaning compounds is often required. How much volatile organic compounds (VOC) are in Alconox cleaners? A. The use of aqueous cleaners


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