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Replacing a <1 pH Acid Electronics Cleaner

Q. Our current detergent is very acidic (pH ~ 1) and very costly to dispose of. We wish to use a cleaning solution that is non-hazardous and can be disposed of down our sink drains into the sewer system. Are solutions of Alconox cleaners (i.e. 1-2% of Citrajet or Detergent 8) safe for dumping down the drain?

Removing Resin from Chrome Plated Micro Bumps

A client needed an electronic cleaning solvent that would eliminate resin from between micro bumps. That solution is Detergent 8.

Cleaning Aluminum with White Marks after Ultrasonic Procedure

Q. During the ultrasonic cleaning procedure, white marks appear on our aluminium parts. and they do not rub off. The only way to get rid of them is to use scotchbrite and rub them off. Any help would be very welcome.
A. There are a few steps that you may take to reduce this from happening.

DI Water Wettability

Aqueous Cleaning Environmental and Safety Issues

Q. What are the environmental health and safety issues that need to be considered when developing an aqueous cleaning process? A. Aqueous cleaners, by definition, use water for cleaning and rinsing. This has both advantages and disadvantages.

Removing excess flux from electronic components

Q. We’re using DETOJET to remove excesive flux deposits from our electronic compoments. However, this is corrosive and contains chlorine and we need to make sure there is no outgassing after cleaning. A. We recommend using Detergent 8. Learn More.


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