Q: You recently sent a sample of Tergazyme detergent for a tough biologic cleaning challenge and it worked better than anything we had previously tried. I realize this must be due to the enzyme component. What information can you provide me on how enzyme detergents work, so I can share it with our decision makers / executives who want to better understand why this detergent got such different results?
Q. I was planning on purchasing Tergazyme but was wondering if there might be reason to consider an additional second cleaning product for cleaning blood products, etc off recording electrodes and off of surgical instruments. Would this be redundant or offer any advantage?
A. Tergazyme alone is very effective at removing blood, tissue & other body fluids off of electrodes and surgical instruments. Learn More.
Q. Is there any PFOA or PFOS in any Alconox cleaner?
A. PFOA and PFOS are perfluoro-octanoic acid and perfluoro-octane sulfonate. None of the Alconox, Inc brand cleaners contains PFOA or PFOS ingredients.
Q. We are having foaming issues in ultrasonic cleaner. Basically, we are looking for a non-foaming version of the Liquinox cleaner we are currently using. Can you use a detergent that doesn’t foam in an ultrasonic bath? A. Depending on what the foaming issue is, you may be able to continue using Liquinox detergent. As a general statement….
Q. What is the shelf life of the Liquinox concentrate? A. Liquinox conforms to its 2 year shelf life under typical laboratory storage conditions…
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