Visit Alconox, Inc. at Pittcon, Philadelphia, PA March 19-21, 2019. Stop by booth #3514 to receive our unique gifts, expert technical support for your critical cleaning applications, and detergent samples. And just maybe hear about a new product!
Our critical cleaning detergents and cleaners remove an array of soils while leaving no interfering residues on laboratory equipment, glassware and instruments. Check out our latest video, How to Clean Laboratory Glassware, to learn the nine guidelines for critical cleaning of glassware exposed to even the toughest of contaminants.
Q. Do you have a recommended swab detection method for residual detergent?
A. We most certainly do. It is suggested to use a swabbing area of 5 cm X 5 cm. Where extreme low level acceptance criteria on a low recovery residue, i.e. some product residues, it can help to….
Q. The color of our Liquinox is slightly different by lot number. Why is this happening? Is there an issue, perhaps we have done something wrong with storage?
A. Do not fear! These color variations are normal. There is a range of acceptable color differences in Liquinox detergent. Differences in the age and storage conditions of the raw materials and of the Liquinox detergent itself will account for differences in color
Q. Please provide advice on cleaning iron residues, Fe+2 and Fe+3, in lab glassware. We need to clean down to sub ppm levels.
A. The best iron salt removing detergent for manual cleaning of lab glassware is Citranox®. Citranox is a mild acid, high chelating detergent for high performance removal of…
Q. Did you know there are nine different factors that determine successful cleaning? A. “BATHOCARD” a phrase coined by Alconox technical team.
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