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Laboratory Cleaning: Best Practices Using a Household Dishwasher

Q. Our lab just has a regular household dishwasher that we use to clean labware. I heard this is not ideal, but it’s what we have. We’re using Alcojet detergent, but the instructions say to turn it into a liquid by diluting….


Pipet Cleaning with Alcotabs

Q. Lab pipets will not deliver and measure accurately or they may contaminate reagents if they are not cleaned. Their narrow tubular shape is difficult to clean.
A. Use a siphon pipet rinser with Alcotabs …

How to Clean Labware: Automated Washer Detergent

Q. Liquinox foams too much to use in the labware washer. We test for phosphate, so we need a phosphate free detergent. We need a cleaner that will clean off any testing residual on glass and plastic without leaving any interference.
A. Detergent choice for cleaning labware in an automated laboratory washer depends upon whether you use powered or liquid detergent. Click for details. For powdered detergent, use Tergajet phosphate-free low foaming powdered detergent, catalog number 2204 for the 4 lb box size. For a liquid detergent, use Solujet phosphate free low foaming liquid detergent, catalog number 2101 for the 1 gallon size.

Eliminating potential for phosphates in rinse water

Q: I work in a lab in Ohio and there is a lot of talk now about phosphates causing algae bloom and the resulting microcystins in the drinking water. Does Alconox have phosphate-free detergents that are good cleaners?

How to clean laboratory glassware

How to Clean Laboratory Glassware

Clean laboratory glassware is essential in all laboratories. No scientist, engineer, laboratory technician, or analyst has time to fail an experiment because of contaminated glassware.  

Good, well-built, precision detergents (like the Alconox, Inc. portfolio of course) can make up for quite of bit incomplete, inefficient or incorrect glassware cleaning techniques.


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