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Going Green with Cold Cleaning

Q: We are a large biotech and in an effort to go green with our cleaning, we are exploring cold cleaning (cleaning with cold water) using your detergents. A: Cold cleaning is a very reasonable approach for energy conservation, and in short, its effectiveness depends on the details of the application.

Ultra high vacuum compatible cleaning

Q. Can Liquinox be used to remove residues from stainless steel for ultra high vacuum compatible cleaning? A. Yes, Liquinox has been used

Advanced Cleaning Mechanisms: Detergency and Concentration

Intuition, logic, and maybe even some experiences, can lead us to believe more detergent is better.  These everyday experiences where it might apply include your washing machine, dishwasher, or even your hands in the bathroom sink.  But, what is actually meant by better?  This is where concentration and detergency come into play, terms you may see in our literature and documentation, as well as our responses and solutions to cleaning challenges.

Cleaning Clear Anodized Aluminum

Q. We are seeing white residue on clear anodized aluminum that we are cleaning with Detojet. Why is this happening and what can we do to prevent it?
A. There are a few reasons this may be happening. 

Possible Reason 1: The Detojet® Low Foaming Liquid Detergent concentration may be too low in the wash cycle and the concentration of calcium, magnesium and iron too high in the water used.  This would result…

Choosing Temperature for Ultrasonic Parts Cleaning

Q. How to determine appropriate temperature to clean parts with ultrasonic cleaner?

A. In general, every 10 deg C you go up in temperature doubles the cleaning speed. The faster you want to clean the hotter you should get.

There is a theoretical optimal ultrasonic cavitation temperature at around 70 deg C depending on the exact concentration of detergent. Even though in theory cavitation…


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